LWPT Alumni is the new network for those who’ve received a grant from LWPT. It keeps you connected with our charity and your fellow grantees.
We hope you’ll use it as your platform to spread the word about LWPT so that many more preachers like yourself can benefit in the future. Look out for more updates on this page - including resources to help you become an LWPT Advocate!
The first thing to do is make sure we have your correct contact details. Please update them here.
Meet some of our Alumni

tom boulter

simon curtis

lydia lee


jenny mariner

James wilshaw

ceri duffy

gavin duffy

cathy madavan

Carol jack

Becca taylor

Hannah richards

Scott hamilton

Matt Price-Drewett
My name is Tom. I'm currently a curate at Saint Mary's, Southampton, but have the privilege of leading the congregation in Lord's Hill, Southampton, a partner church of Saint Mary's. I am married to Jenni and we have 3 children, aged 8, 6 and 3. I enjoy building things from wood, playing the guitar, and supporting the mighty Tottenham Hotspur.
I'm Simon, I live in Luton with my wife Helen and five children, Isaac, Joshua, Joel, Ezekiel, and Anna. I'm a CofE Curate working in the Parishes of Caddington and Farley Hill, although am soon to move on having completed the requirements of curacy. I used to work in Engineering and was the Manager of a team working in Northwood before going to Trinity College in Bristol to study Theology, Ministry and Mission. Not that I left the studying behind as I'm also continuing on to complete my BA, something I am grateful to LWPT for as they have supported me in doing this.
Lydia is an ordinand in the Oxford diocese, hoping to be ordained in 2024. She is completing further study, with an MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission, building on her BA in Theology, which the LWPT grant helped to fund. Lydia enjoys combining her prior career as a primary school teacher with her theology knowledge in church, focusing on intergenerational ministry.
My name is Josh and I live in Cardiff with my wife. I’m a former police officer and detective in South Wales Police, and now work for Barnabas Aid while I study an MTh part-time at Wycliff Hall, University of Oxford. I am currently a lay preacher using my MTh, leadership roles at my church, and tutorship from pastors to train for full-time pastoral ministry.
I'm Jenny and I live in Liverpool with my husband and 2 children. After 12 years as a city secondary school teacher I have recently moved to working as an Assistant Pastor for my church in South Liverpool. My role is varied and includes involvement on a Sunday, management of staff and connecting with our local community. I am passionate about seeing the church function as the body of Christ beyond Sundays and into our everyday lives.
I‘ve recently started a Diploma in Theology and Church Leadership with WTC. I am so grateful to LWPT for their support. Without funding I would not have been able to pursue this training which is so beneficial to adding depth to my leadership.
I’m James and I live in Banbury. I work as an engineer in the automotive sector. I serve my church family at St. Paul’s Banbury with AV, on the PCC and occasionally leading grow group studies or preaching. For the last few summers I’ve served the kids team at Keswick convention. LWPT supported me on the South Central Gospel Partnership Ministry Training Course while I was a Ministry Trainee at Christ Church Southampton. Which has given me a great grounding in the Bible and experience in preaching and teaching.
Gavin and I (Ceri) have a pretty busy life on assignment for the Lord. We are currently bi-vocational, working for a homeless charity in our community (The Wallich) alongside ministry in both campuses of our church, Bethel. This ministry includes regular preaching of the word, discipleship, youth ministry and serving in other practical ways. We are also ministers in training with the AOG and are almost halfway through our 3 year course. To top it all off we have a very active toddler who brings so much joy to our lives. We are hugely grateful for all the support and communication from LWPT. Thank you!
Cathy is an author, speaker and broadcaster, who speaks extensively across the UK and beyond. She is also on the board of the Kyria Network which supports and equips women in leadership. Her most recent book Why Less Means More is about making space for what matters most. Cathy is married to Mark, a church leader in Bristol, and they have two wonderful daughters in their twenties.
I’m Carol and I live in Manchester. I have five children and ten grandchildren. I’m on the Circuit (13 churches) Leadership and I’m also a Customer Focus director at Stockport Homes. I’m reading Kingdom Theology with Westminster Theology Centre and I’m learning stuff that I didn’t even realise I didn’t know! I’ve also had to do some ‘unlearning’ in order to look at some things a little differently. The most amazing thing is that these studies drive everything I do, the activities, the conversations, the way I work and the way I play. My teaching has far more depth and my ability to answer searching questions has improved. I am being transformed spiritually and I couldn't have done this without LWPT funding.
I'm Becca, and I was supported by an LWPT grant while I undertook the Core year on the Cornhill Training Programme in South London. This programme was a brilliant tool and foundation for my work in a local church, teaching children and adults through Sunday School, home groups and one to ones. It also provided solid Bible handling skills which I hope to keep passing onto others who may not have been able to have formal training, in a variety of contexts.
I’m Hannah . I live in Exeter with my husband Ben and two children. I study at St Mellitus College Southwest for a Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission. This course is part of professional development for my job within the church leadership team at City Community Church Exeter, a small independent church.
My work is very varied including hosting services, preaching and networking with other leaders on projects across the city and the region. I love releasing people’s gifting and hearing their stories. My course has enabled me to connect on a deeper level theologically with different facets of church life.
Hello everyone! My name is Scott , I’m thirty-three years old, and I’m on the staff team of a gospel church in beautiful St Andrews, Scotland. I’m hoping to serve on a church staff team somewhere in an increasingly secular country. As I train, I’m heavily involved in the preaching on a Sunday, I regularly serve in the music ministry as a band leader, and I’m studying a theology degree through Crosslands. I’m passionate about all forms of word ministry around a local church, from music to evangelism, and I’m very thankful to the way LWPT supported me so generously throughout my training.
I’m Matt and I live in Bristol with my wife Livi, who is a paediatrician. I’m on the leadership team of Woodlands Metro, a church we planted about 8 years ago in the heart of the city, part of the Woodlands Church Family. I currently enjoy doing this bi-vocationally – for my day job, I work as a management consultant, primarily in the public sector. At Metro I spend a lot of time leading worship and preaching. Livi hosts a small group in our home, which I attend when I’m not travelling for work! LWPT were such a huge support while I was studying Theology, Ministry and Mission at Trinity College in Bristol, which in particular has been a great foundation for preaching and teaching.