LPMA Grants

LWPT is the successor to LPMA and is able to distribute funds which are restricted for LPMA purposes through a grant scheme.  As the income for these funds is unpredictable year on year, the majority being received through legacies, the funds which are received in any one year are available for grants in the subsequent year.  This means that we will publish the total amount available each year and also closing dates for receipt of applications.

Each year up to £30,000 is available for grant awards.  Up to £20,000 of this is designated for organisations with a grant limit of £5,000 per organisation. Up to £10,000 is available for grants to individuals with a maximum of £1,000 per grant. 

For further information for grant criteria, please follow the link below and then if you or your organisation fits the criteria, you may use the appropriate application form and return via email or by post to Wendy Morris, Office Manager at:

Email: wendy.morris@lwpt.org.uk

Post: Unit 14, Orbital 25 Business Park, Dwight Road, Watford, WD18 9DA

 Please see the documents below:

LPMA Grant Criteria

LPMA Grant application for organisations

LPMA Grant application for individuals


NB please note that for the purpose of these funds, Local Preachers are those that are a member of the Methodist or Wesleyan Reform Union churches.